Sunday, August 22, 2010

Now It's Time For....

Natalie - This lady is one party animal.  I love being around her because she is always up for whatever.  She's so much fun.  She is very accepting and I love her because of that.  We've been pals since high school and even though some of the times have been rocky, I know that she'll always be there for me through thick and thin. I adore her. 

Newsies -Oh man.  Back in the jr high days I watched Newsies all the time.  We were never smart enough to just go buy it, so we'd rent it at Top Hat over and over and over.  We probably warped the dvd or something.  But mmm mmm that Jack Kelly. It leaves me singing a tune just thinking about it. 

Nascar - Now don't judge.  I am a redneck at heart.  I love going out to Vegas for the races.  It's like grown up girl bonding time for Heather and I.  It is also nice to spend some time with other rednecks, because we are much less redneck in comparison!

New Years Eve - I love tradition.  I love that every New Years Eve my friends and I light a fire and burn the previous year.  We bring things to symbolize the past year and toss them in as an attempt to make new resolutions.  I also loved spending New Years Eve partially with Kurt's friends this year.  Completely different experience, same good time. :)

Naps - (Shut it, Mary!)  I am a lover of naps.  I can't help it.  Sleeping in the afternoon is the best!  Getting up early like I have been the last few months has made this love affair even deeper.  Napping with Kurt or my cat is even better. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

What do I do next?

So my bff Andrea is moving to France in less than a week.  I'm trying to be a good friend and support her, but I am freaking out.  We've been friends since 4th grade and we've talked almost every day since.  We work together every day.  She was my maid of honor.  We get along so well.  And she's leaving for a year.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do. 

I enjoy my job for the most part.  It's not too awful.  But one of the main reasons I like it is because it's like hanging out with Andrea and getting paid for it.   I'm a little nervous that as soon as she leaves, I'm going to fall into some sort of work funk.  I can already feel it happening.  I need to figure out something to do. 

Here are the options:

1 - Stay at the rec center.  This option would probably be the easiest.  The pros: I know almost everything there is to know.  I love the people.  I love my bosses. The cons: After 5 years, I've gotten kind of bored of it all.  I'm at the top of my pay scale, and can't possibly make any more. 

2 - Get a new job.  This is a little bit of a jump off of a cliff.  It's sink or swim.  I could find one that I love and be SO happy, but I could also find one that I can't stand and be miserable.  I may not have a schedule that works for Kurt and I.  The pros: Higher pay rate.  New opportunities and maybe new friendships.  The cons: Leaving my little cacoon.  Driving further to work.  Possibly hating it.

3 - Go to school.  Now, the whole bachelor's degree thing isn't really for me.  If I went back to school, it would probably be more of a trade school.  I would probably be interested in medical assisting.  I think it's something I might be good at.  I want to do something that will put me into a career, not just a job.  The pros - I could finally get a career.  A sense of accomplishment.  Learn a new skill.  The cons - Lack of money for other things.  Less time with Kurt and with friends.

4 - Have a baby.  HA! Just kidding.  That is NOT an option!!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Me Me Me Me Me

Molly - Oh my sweet little molly mo.  I miss this girl like crazy!  She's one of my very best friends and has been on a mission for the past 9 months and I just CANNOT wait for her to be home!  We've been friends since junior high and I'm sure we always will be.

Mary - I've got a pretty great boss.  She really cares about her job and all of her employees.  I'm really glad that we can be friends and not just co-workers. I can always count on her to send me random texts in the middle of the night. 

Megan and Mandy- Megan is my new boss, but we've been friends for a long time.  We've been pals for a few years now and I'm really glad that she is finally back in my life full time :)  Mandy is such a hilarious person.  She's like cynical funny and I love it!  She and Megan make a great team!

 Mother-in-law - Some people's are really awful.  Mine is really great!  She cares about us a lot and she shows it every day.  She would do anything for her family.  Even though we don't always see eye to eye, I really appreciate her!

Moulin Rouge - I love everything about this movie.  The music is great.  The actors are great.  I love it.  End of story.

Monday, August 9, 2010


I've just got to say, I love my husband.  He's such a great guy.  I'm so happy to have him.