Monday, July 16, 2012


I'm a pretty horrible bowler.  You could describe it as awful.  I don't think I have ever won a game.  EVER!  I once wanted to get my own shoes and ball and then I came to my senses and realized it was something I will always be bad at.  Here is the proof. 

46! I got a 46! How does that happen?

Kurt, on the other hand, is awesome.  Like real, real good!  Check this out!

Kurt got 8 strikes in a row! Eight! E-I-G-H-T! He is a bowling machine! I looked hilarious in comparison.  
Maybe our kids have a chance of being good bowlers after all!

Monday, July 9, 2012


I have been a little bit MIA lately and I really don't have a good reason.  I'm not busy, not by any stretch of the imagination.  I think it is time for a little recap of some events of my recent past.   Thank you iphone! 

I went to see Magic Mike with the ladies for girls night.  It was super funny and I had a great time with some great friends. 

Kurt works by the Taffy Town and he went CRAZY one day! I'm still recovering from a taffy overdose!

We had a good time at Hoover Dam but DAMN it was hot! (hehe)

My husband plays blackjack like a PRO! I didn't even get a picture of the big winnings!

Fun times at USANA with a couple of my sisters-in-law. 

We saw Toby Keith and we were in the 3rd row!

I became a big ol' ho and did a little light reading.

Kurt took me to the shooting range.  Don't laugh at my outfit/shoes.  I was ill prepared.

The annual shower party at Parade of Homes.

 My favorite people looking fab at our traditional fireworks at Eaglewood.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Not so much of a fun day

Sunday evenings are always pretty much of a bummer. I enjoy the family time I get to have, but in the back of my mind I can't stop thinking about how another work week is about to start. Now they are even worse. Kurt works graveyard shifts right now and he leaves starts on Sunday nights. I just get used to sleeping with him in my bed over the weekend and I'm back to being alone. Sad. Pathetic really. I'm a big girl, I just miss him at night.