Hey blog-o-sphere. Again, I apologize for my absence. I think I've gotten it out of my system after NaBloPoMo. I have had an eventful month already!
It looked like this all over!
The first was my birthday and I woke up to LOUD wind. Branches were blown down all over the neighborhood, and there was trash flying everywhere. I had to work. I went in to work, where we had no power, and FROZE for about 6 hours. Then I came home, to no power, and proceeded to search for candles and blankets and other sources of heat. Our house had already dropped 12 degrees. It was going to be a cold night.
Saturday my super great friends threw me a fantastic birthday party! We had a fun little dinner party and then we made gingerbread houses. Even Kurt participated. As you can see, he ended up getting bored and making santa fall off of his roof, but at least he participated. I don't know what I'm going to to do with him.
Yesterday was the Grow family Christmas party so we, of course, had to make an appearance there! I love the tradition there. We ate yummy food and then we did a little service by making 150+ sandwiches and sac lunches for the homeless. Of course, Santa came to visit all of the kids and it was a good time! We celebrated the December birthdays, and Kurt by going out to dinner at Red Robin. YUM! All in all, it's been a great couple weeks. I'm very glad to have today to relax! Hopefully you will hear from me tomorrow for my list.
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